ecs.LIVE Gains 3,000 Pips ✅ 67% Return, and 71% Win Rate ?

2 min read

Dear Traders,

here is a quick update on our ecs.LIVE service. The first 4 weeks have been completed and we have seen great results.

The 4th trading week also genered positive results with +502 pips, +7.8 reward, and 71% win rate.

The total for the past 4 weeks is now: +2990 pips, +66.9 reward, and 71% win rate.

Interested in joining ecs.LIVE? Click on the banner below!

Many green pips,

Nenad and Chris

ps. Please keep in mind that esc.LIVE is focused on trade setups and not a signal service The total numbers reflect how those setups have done but don’t give a guarentee how traders performed as it depends on what setups they choose, their risk management and trade management.


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